CNVC: Präsentationen zum Integrated Plan des New Future Process

Das CNVC bietet im September und Oktober einige Live-Präsentationen an, um den Integrated Plan vorzustellen und zu diskutieren, der die Entwicklung des CNVC hin zu einer zukunftsweisenden weltweiten Organisations- und Vernetzungsstruktur beschreibt, die die Prinzipien und Praktiken der GFK widerspiegelt. Ich bin wirklich begeistert und fasziniert davon, was von allen Beteiligten am New Future Prozess (NFP) zusammengetragen und ausgearbeitet wurde und was da an Wissen und Engagement zusammengeflossen ist. Die Organisationsstruktur greift aus meiner Sicht sehr zukunftsweisende Organisationsprinzipien auf, wie sie z.B. Frederic Laloux in seinem Buch „Reinventing Organizations“ beschreibt, und versucht, sie in einer weltweiten Organisations- und Vernetzungsstruktur in die Realität und ins Leben zu bringen. Das ist für mich wirklich Pionierarbeit und ein rieser Beitrag dazu, dass sich solche Organisatonsstrukturen verbreiten, die weg von Macht über-Hierarchien hin zu eigenverantwortlicher Zusammenarbeit hin zu einem gemeinsamen größeren Sinn gehen.

Für Schnellentschlossene: Morgen um 18 Uhr gibt es eine Live-Präsentation mit deutscher Übersetzung, die sicher auch danach für alle als Aufnahme auf der CNVC-Website zur Verfügung steht.

Die Präsentation findet statt als Zoom-Meeting mit der Nummer 160849460
<> (Ihr könnt Zoom installieren oder euch per Telefon einwählen:
internationale Telefonnummern hier <https://cnvc.zoom.uszoomconference?m=fy1sd32Frfkw_tgUzdU6AlZ0H4\v1E-tm> ).
Bob Wentworth macht die Präsentation und Eva Ebenhöh wird übersetzen. Es gibt dabei natürlich Gelegenheit für Fragen und Diskussion.

Im Folgenden die Einladung des CNVC zu allen angebotenen Live-Präsentationen und Hinweise zu weiteren verfügbaren Informationen:

Several live presentations have been scheduled in September and October to review and discuss the Integrated Plan that will guide the creation of our new global NVC organisation. New audio/video resources for reviewing the Integrated Plan and clearer options for choosing how much information you receive about NFP are now available. Even if it’s a stretch for you, please consider offering outreach and/or translation support at this critical stage in the process to maximize global reach and access.
—————————————– FULL TEXT ——————–
Several years ago, I helped initiate the New Future Process because I longed to have an organisation at the heart of the NVC movement which I and others might experience as serving life in as profound a way as does the practice of NVC itself.  I hoped that by turning power over to the larger NVC community, something beautiful and congruent with our collective dreams might be created.
Now, approximately four years after I started down this path, the process has led to a specific plan for what the community will be invited to collaborate in creating. This process has always had implicit in it that something will be created through collective effort. It’s not a model of entrepreneurs creating a service that the community will be consumers of, but a model where members of the community come together to collaboratively create something to serve the community and the world, to honor values that many of us share.
This can only work if enough of the community feels connected to what is being done. I think the plan that has been developed has the potential to be life-serving in unprecedented ways. I’d love for you to join me or another presenter to learn more about — and to help do a sanity check on — what is being planned.
Bob Wentworth
for Presentations, Q&A (Question and Answer), and Connection Sessions
**Additional presentations may be scheduled. All presentations and recordings, access info and links for finding meeting times in your timezone will be posted HERE.
**We are seeking French, German, Dutch and additional language interpreters for any session and all sessions – please contact
DATE | TIME | TYPE | PRESENTER (language) | INTERPRETER (language)
** Wed, Sep 28 | 9 am PDT / 6 pm CEST | Presentation | Bob Wentworth (English) | Eva Evenhoeh (German)
** Sat, Oct 1 | 9 am PDT / 6 pm CEST | Q&A | Mary Mackenzie (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Tue, Oct 4 | 12 pm PDT / 9 pm CEST | Presentation | Bob Wentworth (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Sat, Oct 8 | 9 am PDT / 6 pm CEST | Q&A | Bob Wentworth (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Tue, Oct 11 | 10 am PDT / 7 pm CEST | Connection | Aimee Ryan (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Mon, Oct 13 | 9 am PDT / 6 pm CEST | Q&A | Mary Mackenzie (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Sun, Oct 16 | 6 pm PDT / Oct 17 3 am CEST | Presentation | Jim Manske (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Wed, Oct 19 | 8 am PDT / 5 pm CEST | Q&A | Barbara Larson (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Wed, Oct 19 | 12 pm PDT / 9 pm CEST | Connection | Verene Nicolas (French) | Interpreter TBD
** Mon, Oct 24 | 6 pm PDT / Oct 25 3 am CEST | Q&A | Barbara Larson (English) | Interpreter TBD
** Thur, Oct 27 | 12 pm PDT / 9 pm CEST | Q&A | Jim Manske (English) | Interpreter TBD
 Download the ~30 minute audio or video files or see all other print and digital formats HERE. The feedback and comment period on the Integrated Plan is still open, so please review and tell us what you think!
A key principle of the new organisation is that things only get done if there is willingness and energy to do them. We so want non-English-based NVC communities to be able to review and offer feedback, and we are looking for additional willing/available translators to make the Integrated Plan Summary and slideshow available in other languages.
The NFP Admin team is now seeking Outreach and Translation Champions to engage the global community. If you are excited and eager to understand and share the plan with your community (in any language!), please contact Aimee and Uma at for more details.
We also ask you: Please consider offering your time and energy during this critical stage of gathering feedback on the Integrated Plan, even if it is a stretch for you, so that people from as many communities around the world as possible have the opportunity to influence what emerges.
** CNVC’s global list of NVC supporters will receive updates (like this) not more than once every 2-4 weeks.
** If you want the latest news about the New Future Process – join the cnvc-futur Googlegroup forum to receive both announcements and discussion posts, like this  Facebook page, or follow @CNVC on Twitter.
The New Future Process Support Team
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