Schlagwort-Archive: Englisch

From Scarcity to Abundance – widening my lens of life

Online-Workshop beim International Online Nonviolent Communication Festival Termin: 1. März 2024, 18 – 20 Uhr Is it sometimes hard for you to look at the events of your life with a perception of abundance? Then explore with us how this … Weiterlesen

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Create Thriving Relationships by healing your inner child

Get a glimpse of new ways to experience more harmony, love and connection in your intimate relationships by connecting with and healing the wounds of your inner child. We would like to share with you how NVC can support you … Weiterlesen

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Online-Workshop „Living NVC with children“

Parenting in acceptance, love and clarity We will explore how we can accompany children in a partnership way, seeing what they need to blossom and live their life fully, and, at the same time, being connected to our needs so … Weiterlesen

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