Zum Weltweiten Friedenstag hatte Papst Franziskus im Dezember 2016 eine Botschaft verfasst: „Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace“ , die mir sehr aus dem Herzen spricht und die ich daher hier jetzt noch teilen möchte. Insbesondere die Stellen, die ich unten zitiere, schwingen mit meiner Sehnsucht nach Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit – in mir, in meiner Familie, meiner Nachbarschaft, der Gesellschaft, der Politik, der Welt …
Zudem versöhnen mich Papst Franziskus Worte ein Stück weit mit meinen katholischen Wurzeln, weil sie eine Gemeinsamkeit in den Werten widerspiegeln, die ich lange nicht so wahrgenommen habe.
Und ich denke, dass wir gerade jetzt solche Stimmen brauchen, Stimmen, die Gewicht haben und klar und hörbar die Gewaltfreiheit bekräftigen, die Einheit zwischen den Religionen hervorheben und die Verbundenheit aller Menschen betonen.
„At the beginning of this New Year, I offer heartfelt wishes of peace to the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious, civic and community leaders. I wish peace to every man, woman and child, and I pray that the image and likeness of God in each person will enable us to acknowledge one another as sacred gifts endowed with immense dignity. Especially in situations of conflict, let us respect this, our “deepest dignity”, and make active nonviolence our way of life. …
On this occasion, I would like to reflect on nonviolence as a style of politics for peace. I ask God to help all of us to cultivate nonviolence in our most personal thoughts and values. May charity and nonviolence govern how we treat each other as individuals, within society and in international life. When victims of violence are able to resist the temptation to retaliate, they become the most credible promotors of nonviolent peacemaking. In the most local and ordinary situations and in the international order, may nonviolence become the hallmark of our decisions, our relationships and our actions, and indeed of political life in all its forms. …
Active nonviolence is a way of showing that unity is truly more powerful and more fruitful than conflict. Everything in the world is inter-connected. Certainly differences can cause frictions. But let us face them constructively and non-violently, so that tensions and oppositions can achieve a diversified and life-giving unity, preserving what is valid and useful on both sides. …
All of us want peace. Many people build it day by day through small gestures and acts; many of them are suffering, yet patiently persevere in their efforts to be peacemakers. In 2017, may we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from our hearts, words and deeds, and to becoming nonviolent people and to build nonviolent communities that care for our common home. “
Der gesamte Text der Botschaft findet sich unter diesem Link: „Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace“